Wednesday 6 June 2012

Anything But The Truth...So Help Me God.

So I had kept a diary for as long as I could remember... but now I don't. I think much of this has to do with the realization that someone will ultimately end up reading it.

"Why don't you write an edited version?" I hear you say... well then what would be the point? I know that there are some people that I wouldn't mind reading my diary... well, maybe one person, but that would mean I would never be able to write anything (positive or negative) about them in the 'full version' so it would in itself be edited.

I have been blogging in secret. "Why do you blog in secret?" ...because if I knew that there was any chance of someone I know reading my words I would be forced to censor myself,  and then what would be the point.

I find this cathartic, but I still don't have the guts to write like I would in my diary. Maybe if I did write with complete honestly I would get a readership... dare I tell the truth?

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